Sunday, August 8, 2010

June 14, 2010

Hey mom and family :)
Things are going good this week, it's a little chilly.

Have you done anything to prevent any more break-ins to your apartment?

We changed the apartment around so now there is a lot more space. Pretty cool. Our zone all pitched in a little bit of money to buy my companion a camera because his family doesn't have enough money to buy him another one. So that was cool too. For the camera, please send it here as fast as you can because I'll probably have changes here in the beginning of July and I'd like to copy all the peoples pics here so I can at least have those.

The ward will increase if everyone in it does their part. Thats the only way. The missionaries can knock doors all day but probably none of those people would get baptized. Member references are the best way.
As I read about the boy with cancer I was thinking that you should share the gospel with his family. Ask the missionaries for a Plan of Salvation pamphlet to share with them, it'd be really good mom.
Ha you saw Joseph Woodward shopping. When does he leave? His eyes will definitely be opened a lot. Mine have been and continue to be. Mom, you have no idea how good we have it in the states.
Some investigators are progressing well, others have fallen. It's tough to see them decide to not accept the gospel. I wish everyone would, but they have their agency, it's part of the plan. One day they'll understand.

His sister & I did our annual strawberry picking:

Aww I love when you pick the strawberries! It's the best.

Thanks for the quote. That seems to be my case ha. I find lots of good people but they all keep choosing to not obey the commandments and remain in their wicked's hard. But I hope and pray that later in life missionaries will find them again and then they'll be ready. Thanks for all the support and love.

"To missionaries: Go forward. Do you work. It's so very, very important. You have on your narrow shoulders the responsibility of teaching the gospel to a world that doesn't want it. At least they think they dont' want it because they haven't tasted of it. And for many, many of those people you are the only source of knowledge they will ever have of this Church. It is so very important, therefore, that you make a good appearance. Someday someone might well say, 'Well, yes, I met two of your missionaries years ago and I've been thinking about it every since then. Come in and tell me what you have to offer.' Go forward with faith and without fear."

Ok, well love you all and thanks for getting the camera :) Send it fast, it you can.
Love you and am praying for you.
Love,Elder DeLong

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