Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 7, 2010

Yes, I made it to one year :) Woo, everything is done hill from this point on. Kind of crazy how fast the time goes.. It feels good to have a year, strange that it went by so fast. But it was a good year, I liked it :) I am considered now one of the older guys on the mission ha, so thats nice I guess.

The missionary work keeps going. It's discouraging at times because all of our investigators seem to keep dying(not literally), But the only thing we can do is keep on working and looking for the people who are ready. The mission is a lot harder than I ever expected.. We do have some good families that are making great progress though, one family went to church yesterday which was a miracle.

The other people that were going to get baptized have died (not literally) Juan and Luis don't want us to come by any more and won't tell us why, and Maria is never home, or at least that is what somebody says but we know shes there. So.. thats a little discouraging, but on the plus side we are teaching like three families who are progressing really well. So hope that works out :)
I really want to talk with Grandpa when I get home and ask him about all his stories, something I never really did when I had so many chances. I love listening to the stories he has.
There is no rebuilding where I am, that's all in the south.

Love you all, you're always in my prayers.
Elder Jeffrey DeLong

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