Sunday, August 8, 2010

July 4, 2010

Happy fourth of July to you too!
Ha, naturally we didn't do anything to celebrate, but at least a few people mentioned something about it to me. I sang the national anthem to myself a few times. So that was fun

I haven't gotten the box yet, but I'm pretty sure that this wednesday I'll get it. I'll talk to my buddy thats in the office and ask him if it's here yet.

As for changes...I will be staying here, but my companion is leaving. I thought for sure that I'd be going, but it seems like the Lord likes to throw curve balls at us all the time to keep us on our game, haha. I was kinda hoping that I'd be leaving just because this sector, being so tiny, is kinda hard to be in for so long. Especially for 6 months..or more. But the Lord wants me here for a reason, so I'm going to give it the best that I have. All the other guys in the district think that I'm going to train this next change, which is a good possibility because there are so many greenies coming in. They also think that I'll be district leader too because my companion was DL and left. But we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Yea, it was hard to see President Jones go, he is such a great guy. We had a last conference with all the mission two weeks ago. It was cool, thats were I saw Elder Kennison. I told him to send the pics to you guys because I still don't have a camera, glad to see that he did.
I've met Pres King and his wife and 12 year old daughter all ready. Last Thursday we had a little mini conference with them. He has a daughter, Cassie, who is serving in the MN mission right now. She is in Rochester. She goes home in Nov then will be coming here. So if you ever run into her bby chance be sure to say hi from everyone in Chile. She played on he BYU b-ball team. Pretty cool.

And yes, my testimony has sure grown in this last year. I wasn't thrilled at first to go on the mission, I knew it was right and that I needed to do it, but it's not the easiest thing to do. But I am very grateful that I went and for the time I have here to serve the Lord. If we aren't trying to do the will of the Lord in life then what are we doing? Just wasting the time that He's given us here on the earth. And just coming in contact with so many people of other religions and getting to know what they profess as doctrine has strengthened my testimony. I have no doubt that this is the only true church of Christ on the earth, and the only way to know that is to read the Book of Mormon and pray. We have a kid, Steven, whose 17 and will get baptized (I hope) soon. He's awesome, future missionary!! Woo. Ok hope that you all have a great week! Thanks for everything, love you all.
Elder Jeff DeLong

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