Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011

Hey mom!

Yea, so the zone just keeps on seeing miracles, it is amazing. In my whole mission I've never seen a zone steadily progress like ours is now. It's great to be able to see. We had the baptism of Connie yesterday. She has been a member her whole life, well we all thought. But she was never registered officially so in the end we had to teach her/ baptize her again. The coolest part is that her newly baptized husband was able to baptize her. It was cool.

 Yea, it was great to have the chance to see Marisol make the convenant of baptism with the Lord finally.
The difference about the success that we are having is that we are unified in our dedication to the Lord, and we have enthusiasm and follow the Spirit.  Because a missionary can be obedient but be a robot, and that isn't what the Lord wants.  And we have fun doing it.  So it has been a great experience.  The way things are looking we will have a baptism every week this change!  Now we just have to prepare people for after this change too :) 

 Yea, I got the trunky papers, I think it's funny because it says dia de tu liberacion or day of your freedom. 

 Peter just emailed me and said that Clayton is looking for a place for the 3 of us. So Peter is getting home the same day that I am, well the 8th because travel from Africa takes so long.  Pretty cool huh?  Beth will be at BYU too?  thats crazy!   I did get on my BYU site, but I was pretty lost to be honest haha.  After 2 years I don't know how to work the thing, oh well. 

I told Jeff that I had gotten some blueberries and when I got home noticed they were from Santiago Chile, arandanos bluets:

This is funny too, I have no idea what arandanos bluet are, haha.  But the fruit here is amazing, thats one thing I love about Chile.  So Wal-mart will officially be here in like another year.  They already bought one of the biggest super market chains here, Lider, and have turned it into Wal-mart basically.  Every time I walk in I think I'm in Wal-mart.  Pretty crazy how much money and power.

Here is something cool. Today as our zone activity that me and my comp organized we went out of our mission (with permision of course) to Rancagua. It's to the south a bit. We went to Buin Zoo.

It was pretty fun, nice to have a change of pace. It was a nice zoo, had lots of animals and modern.

The missionaries enjoyed it. So that was fun, and we got to go there by train! I've never taken a train before.

 So I liked that. Ok, well only 2 more weeks in this change, then Elder Zeron goes home. Pretty crazy.

Well hope you all have a great week, you're always in my prayers.
Elder DeLong

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