Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011

Hey mom!
Yea, so it has been a really fun two weeks here in Ochagavia so far (minus the heat!). But our zone has been seeing a lot of miracles lately, this week we doubled the number of baptismal dates! So that was really cool. The baptism for Grecia went really well, her mom and younger brother assisted and went to church the next day and we were able to put 2 baptimal dates with them.

  And yesterday after church one of our other investigators had his baptismal interview with President King!  And he is going to get baptized next Sunday!  And we have this other lady, Connie, who has been a member her whole life but never got registered in the records of the church. So, we are teaching her all the lessons and it looks like she will get re-baptized the 26th, but this time but her newly converted husband who just received the priesthood yesterday.  Pretty cool.  And Marisol, from 2 sectors ago (we baptized her son, Dylan) is getting married on Friday and then baptized Saturday and President gave me permision to go because it's close.  Pretty cool, huh?  And we have other investigators that are progressing really well, so we are really excited.

Yea, Elder Mills is in the sector where I started the mission, in El Sauce.  So that is pretty funny.  But yea, we have council at the beginning of every month.  It is fun.  We just report on the zone and how everyone is doing.  We live in a house, and share it with 2 other missionaries in the zone.

 Haha, Elder Smith's mom contacted you, that is really funny. Yea, he saw the blog before he got to Chile, and then I was his first district leader. Pretty funny huh? Elder Smith is really cool, I had a lot of fun with him and my last district. Tell his mom hi and thanks for sending Elder Smith on the mission. They were the best. Well, I just found out that Elder Mckay got married recently
So yea, thats whats going on here in the city of Santiago.  I'm excited for my next few months here, I know we will continue to see miracles.  We can always find miracles in our lives, every day.  And it's important that we can recognize they or else we will get slothful like Lehi and his family and we wont progress in our journey (Alma 37:41) I think thats the right verse, it's some where in that chapter. 
I love you and hope you all have a great week!

Elder DeLong

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