Sunday, October 3, 2010

September 21, 2010

How is everything going?
I'm really sorry to hear about Julie :( I hope the family is doing ok, but the most comforting part is that we know she is in a much better place resting from everything (Alma 40:12). My arm is doing fine, the stitches came out good and now it is all scabbed up and healing. THere doesn't seem to be any infection which was the biggest worry obviously. And no, I haven't had any arm pain for years. Now I am getting back pain though, it kinda stinks. I might go into the doctor one of these days to see what he says.

It was really great to be able to baptize Steven, first person in my life. This THursday we are going to the temple with him to do baptisms for the dead with the youth of the ward (we get to go because he is our convert :) So we are excited about that :) And Saturday we put a baptismal date with the new family (there are 3 of them) for the 10th of October, also very exciting. Changes are this Tuesday, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be leaving, so I probably won't be here for their baptisms, but thats ok. I'll be just as happy :)
It was kind of ironic because we had 9 investigators at church last week, and 0 this week. It was 0 because the 18th (Saturday) was Chile's independence day. So everyone went out of town, there were only 37 people at church. Friday we had a ward activity which was a lot of fun, we got to see a lot of the traditional Chilean dances. I put on the outfit, I'll send pics.

This week is our ward conference, there are different activities planned for every day. We have a new missionary matrimony, the Packs' from Mississippi, here in the mission now and they are assigned to be in our branch. They are really nice, it's fun having them. They are going to be helping the branch, teaching music and some other stuff. Thsi coming Sunday the sister already asked me to sing a song for sacrament mtg...haha.

Ok, well I think thats everything for now. Hope that you all have a great week, you're always in my prayers.

Les quiero mucho!
Elder Jeff DeLong

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