Sunday, October 3, 2010

August 23, 2010

Hola :)

How are things going?? The weeks do fly by..and yes the family did go to church again this Sunday. They now have been asisting a whole month. Things are going well with them, we still haven't been able to put a baptismal date, but I know that they have been enjoying their time in the church. We will be baptizing a kid, Dylan, who is 9 this Saturday. We have been waiting with Dylan to baptize him together with his mom, but she still hasn't been able to get married yet and things are progressing kinda slow. So we are hoping that by baptizing Dylan that will help to motivate her. And we invited Juan and his family to the baptism and they said that they are going to go, so that will be really good :)
Yea, I have made a lot of good friends here, and most of them go to BYU. I miss having Elder Speakman in my district, but maybe this next change I'll be able to be his companion. That'd be sweet.
Saturday we had the opportunity to have a conference, together with the Rancagua mission, and we got to listen to Elder Richard G. Scott! That was really great, just strengthened my testimony that the apostles and prophet really are called of God and have the authority. And guess what he talked about?? Marriage! Ha, it made me a little trunky, not gonna lie. I only 9 months time passes fast. I'm not really looking forward to dealing with all of the problems of life, school, work, money...and all that. So I'll enjoy my last 9 months here :)
Thats really great that Nick got his mission call! Ha, I knew he'd be going to S.A. I was living with a guy from Uruguay for 5 months (he was annoying) but I know that he'll love his mission. Ha, hes gonna speak spanish with a funny uruguayo accent.
My companion and I also gave talks yesterday. We give one in this branch every 4th Sunday, that was the 5th one that I've given. Ha, they don't even bother me anymore.
We have a program here called Permaneced, where we have a list of all the members in the area. We then go through and go and visit all of the inactives and share a special message with them from the prophet. I don't know if you have the same message in the states, but we have been able to have a lot of success with it so far. We have found a lot of families where not all the members of the family are members of the church. The weather has been pretty decent here lately. Umm, I don't think we are in spring yet, but the weather is at least nice.
Today we played real football in a nice syntetic field. It was great.
To celebrate my b day we'll probably go over to a few members homes and eat some cake or something, thats about it. Next year will be good :) Ok, well love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Love,Elder Jeff Delong

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