Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16, 2011

This week went well, we were able to find some good people to start teaching, several full families which is pretty rare to find here.  So we are excited to start teaching them and of course hoping for the best. 
 Things are going well with our investigators, the other day we tried to put a baptismal date with Magdalena who we've been teaching for a while now.  We tried for June 5th and the Spirit was super strong there and I felt for sure she will say yes, and she wants to be baptized really bad.  But when we said June she was like, Nope!  Not in June (because of personal stuff she said), it will have to be July.  So, bummer that I won't be here but the most important thing is that she will be getting baptized! 
And Francisco and Pamela are doing well, we couldn't find them the end of the week here but I think we are going to try and pass by tomorow. 
I do really like the Restoration dvd, I've seen it so many times and I still enjoy watching it.
To be honest I don't think I'll see any baptisms before I head home, but I want to leave as many people as I can preparing to be baptized.  We have a good bunch of people so I feel good. 

I'm not training Elder Hollister actually, he was a zl before, in my first sector actually.  So we have fun talking about El Sauce and the people there.  He was comps with my MTC companion, Elder Mills.  Funny how the mission works out sometimes. 
I tried to patch up my shoe with some adhesive stuff but by the end of the day it had been worn off.  So, I'm just going to have to go these 3 weeks with a hole, hoping it doesn't rain haha. 
Yesterday and today I have been sick, just like a common cold type of thing.  But I stayed in the house yesterday to rest.  My throat still hurts a ton and is swollen, but it will go away soon.

Yea, President and Sister King are awesome, I'm so glad they are my mission president. Great people, and they helped me out a lot. I don't really have any new pics to send, I'll try to take a bunch these next weeks.

Ok, well I hope you all have a great week, and that every heals up nice and stays healthy. I'm gonna keep working hard here, and finish strong. Love you all and am praying for you.
Elder DeLong

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