Yea, it was really sad about Elder Colman. We had our conferences of zones this last Wed. and President gave a little presentation in memory of him. It was sad, he started crying..
At that same conference several things happened. I had to give a class in front of 4 zones, and I had to give my going away testimony too (because we only have these zone conferences every 3 months, so that was my last one) So that was pretty crazy for me, one never thinks that they'll be up in front giving their parting testimony, but it came and it came fast. This change has definitely been the fastest of my mission and no doubt that this last one will be even faster. We'll see, all of the things I'll have to do will make it go fast, and talking with all of you too. (Mother's Day call..Hooray!) We will be able to do Skype again as far as I know.
We have a lot of investigators that are progressing really well, hopefully in Mayo we will be able to have some baptisms again. Like I said to dad, I have interviews with President King tomorrow, so hoprfully he'll tell me whats going to happen. We have a really good relation so I hope so :) But for sure next Monday I'll know whats going to happen. I'd like to stay here with Elder Clark, but I don't think thats going to happen because I have to train a new zone leader in for when I leave. So if thats the case I'd like to go to a neighboring sector where Elder Egbert is and be his comp. But we'll see. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here in the zone though.
Yea, having so many good friends that are gong to BYU makes me really excited for it. I really hope I can work something out so I can live with E'Speakman, but we'll see. E'Egbert will be living pretty close, so that will be cool.
I really like serving others now, before I did too, but it was just a lot harder for me to do it. Now it's a lot easier, I hope it stays that way.
I don't think they really celebrate Easter here much, we'll see what happens.
I did find out the true meaning of why an easter bunny and stuff. And it has nothing at all to do with Christ, so that kinda took some of the enthusiasm out of it.
Have they heard anything from Ex-Elder Matt Kennison? Hope he is doing well, I told him I'm going to visit him in Utah when I'm out there to get to know him better.
Ok, well really not much more to say.
Oh, today we had our zone acitvity and we played Ultimate Frisbee. It was a nice change of things from soccer and was super fun. I'm for sure going to play at lot at BYU :)
Ok well I love you all and hope you have a great week! Hold true to the rod always :)
Elder J. DeLong
Monday, April 18, 2011
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