Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Wow, thanks so much for taken care of the housing for me.  I'm excited to room/live with Peter.  Hopefully for winter semester I'll be able to live with E' Speakman.  That would be so great.  Yea, Peter gets home the same day as me now, the 7th!  How cool is that.  Yes, my comp and Elder Kennison and lots of my other friends at this time are preparing to go home.  Its sad to see them all leave, they are great guys and missionaries.  But I'm going to see a lot of them after the mission.  It will be fun.

It was a good experience to give the class in concilio, I know that if the missionaries apply it it will help out a lot with their teaching and they will see many miracles.

President told me some interesting news in his email to me. I'm not receiving another zone leader companion..I'm just receivning a junior companion. So I will be a lone zone leader..that will be pretty interesting! And I'm losing my 2 district leaders and receivng two new ones. But, I know that the Lord will help me, will give me the strength that I need. I will have to stretch my self even more and it will be a great opportunity to learn and grow.

Yea, the food for concilio is always american stuff, I love it!

The earthquake was quite a surprise especially because it was so powerful! It was much worse than here in Chile, remember that the richter scale goes up by multiples of ten I believe. So 8.9 is ten times stronger than 8.8. Crazy, I hope every onw will be okay and can get the help they need. Nothing really happened here, but I am positive now that I never want to live in a country with earthquakes! Nope.

 okay Mom, gotta run now, we are going to have a BBQ with the missionaries here in a little bit. I'll try to send a couple picks quick of the baptism, it was great! The most spiritual one Ive been to.
Love you tons!

Elder Delong

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