Hey mom!
Yea, being sick is never fun. Being able to rest will be nice, but I still got another 4 months in me :) Well I have good news about the older couple, they had their interviews yesterday and they passed! So this Sat they will be having their baptisms. We are pretty excited, he was so happy. And we had this other young married couple go to church too. The guy is an inactive member that we found and his wife isn't a member. They are awesome and I feel she'll get baptized. The district is doing really well. The sisters are struggling the most I'd say. I don't think they get along very well, but I try to encourage them.
Me and Peter write every once and a while, I'll ask him what he is planning on doing.
Thats great that Logan is crawling! I'll see him soon enough :)
Sometimes the Lord humbles us, but it's always better that we humble our selves.
We had found a little hiking activity today and got some great pictures. I'll try and sed them today.
Wow, I really dont know what else to say today. Sorry this is such a short email, but I'm pretty tired. I try and write more next week haha.
Hope all is well and that you all have a great week!
Love you
Elder DeLong
Hello! I am Elder Smith's Mom. I love these pictures from p-day and the following one at the restaurant. Would you mind sharing them with me by sending them to my email, darmel7@gmail.com? My son is the one in the white shirt. He has had many good times with Elder DeLong. ~ Melody Smith, Sandy, UT