Monday, March 22, 2010

March 21, 2010

All of Jeff's letters are great, but this was especially nice because he sent pictures-finally!
Six of them at once. Most of his letter is answering my questions to him, about his companion, apartment, investigators, aftershocks. So here are some of his replies:
Yes, things are going well here in Los Cerrillos :) We are a branch, but we are in a stake. Kinda weird. But we actually have pretty good attendance, and it's been going up these last couple weeks. And yes, Elder Jenkins does go home in like 20 days, but don't worry I'm not really affected by that. I like to tease him a lot about it. I know I still have a looong time to go, haha. He is great, definitely my favorite companion since Elder Mckay. I like living with 4, it's more entertaining, but it's only nice because we have 2 bathrooms and so many rooms. Otherwise it'd be kinda annoying. But it's fun.

Every woman can envision cleaning where 4 men have lived!

There are still quakes that happen, sometimes pretty big ones like a couple weeks ago. 6.7 and 6.8, those did some damage down south again. Usually the quakes happen in the night though and I don't even feel them. They say they will keep happening for quite a while, and may even be some bigger ones, we'll see. I really don't feel bad though now that I'm not on the 16th floor! I do feel bad for my previous companion though..poor guy.

All of our baptisms kinda fell through..people can't get baptized if they don't go to church, lol. But this morning we went into Maipu with one of our investigators to set up her marriage so she can get baptized, but she can't get married until June. So that baptism won't be happening for a while, but it's good that shes finally doing what she needs to to get baptized. Her name is Marisol.

He mentioned the two children from his previous area, Bladimir & Evaline. He worked with them preparing for baptism, so how great to see that they did get baptized.

I wondered if he found out why the lights went out in a large part of Chile, and where they can go on p-days.

Never did find out why all the lights went out, I think it was because they were expecting a pretty bad quake, but it never happened. Maipu is really big, but we only go there on p-Days. As long as it is in our zone we can go on p-days, or if we have permision from the zone leaders(my companion). Sometimes we can do special activities with permision from the President.

We have zone conference this week, Elder Scott is coming to Chile I think this week, so he might have a special mtg with our mission or something. I don't know, thats what he did when he came a year and a half ago, so we'll see.

I think thats about it though for now. Things are going well. I had Burger King again today, it was really good. Walking up all those hills in my sector is fun, good leg workout ha.

Some things are totally universal, and thank goodness don't seem to change much.

The work continues to go well though, I hope that we will have a baptism before Elder Jenkins leaves. Now that Marisol can't until june, it will take a miracle. But the Lord is a Lord of miracles and I know that they still exist in the world today :) Keep up the faith, study and pray every day it's the only way that we can progress spiritually.

Love you all and are always in my prayers.

Elder DeLong

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