Sunday, November 1, 2009

The day is finally here

On June 3rd, 2009 Elder Jeff DeLong reported to the Missionary Training Center in Provo Utah to prepare for his 8 weeks of training for his mission to Santiago West Chile. Elder Delong was anxious & excited to begin this next phase of his life. I, Jenna,was able to go with him to Utah to go through the bittersweet farewell so well known to parent of departing missionary sons & daughters. As we arrived in Utah we found out that the MTC had been hit by H1N1, also known as the swine flu. Because of the concern for the missionaries in the MTC & those arriving, no one but reporting missionaries were allowed to enter the MTC. In the past parents & family were able to go in & participate in about an hour long presentation. So, Jeff was in the first reporting group to be dropped off at the curb of the MTC. It was quite a process as about 500 missionaries arrived that day. In some ways it was easier to say goodbye knowing you had to do it quickly. And so Jeff began his training, always looking forward to August 4th, when he would fly to Chile.

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