Friday, December 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

Well I am super exhausted right now. This change has gone by extra fast it seems, we have been working very hard and these last couple days I have really felt it. All the hill climbing is starting to take a tole on my body. Or I am just really old now! Who knows..but we played soccer and basketball today, it was fun.

We have had one investigator, Nadia, come to church this last month. She is 13 and the daughter of an inactive lady and grandparents, and they have all been coming to church. Nadia has a date for the 21st of Nov to get baptized.

Elder Nielson is doing really well. He lived in MG for lie 3 years then moved down to Rochester for a couple years. Then they moved out to St. George UT because of medical reasons for his dad (who died from something I cant remember what its called when my companion was 8).

So as a mission we are really focusing on working with the members, it is vital to the mission work. Because as missionaries we come and go and then go home, but the members are always there. If the members don't help out in the missionary work in their ward and carry their share of the work, then the ward will never progress. I think that's why Anoka has been dying slowly all these years. Many think that its the responsibility of the missionaries to do the missionary work, but the prophet has said that all stake presidents and bishops are in charge of the mission work. So do all that you can to help out the missionaries there :)

No we haven't been back to the beach and I probably won't ever go again (in the summer we cannot go because lots of other people start going). But it was fun and I am glad that I got the chance.

Every day here is super windy, I love it it keeps the heat away!I was surprised actually about how big Halloween was here in Llo Lleo. Lots of kids dressed up and went asking for treats, more than in Ramsey I think. It's kinda funny to see how much our culture rubs of here. Especially when you run into people that hate the states..ironic.

I did get the box! Thanks you so much mom and dad for doing that be much needed fro these And the carmel corn was amazing! It almost lasted the week....haha, it made me a little trunky though. Oh well :)

SO I hope that you all have a great week, you are always in my prayers. I have had the talk from President Monson in my mind a lot, about gratitude and I just wanted to thank you, mom, dad, and my siblings for being such a great family and for always showing so much love and support, even when you may not have gotten as much showed back as you deserved. But I love and appreciate everyone of you. Thanks.oh, Hey, tell Greg to write me, haven't heard from him in weeks.

Love,Elder DeLong

October 25, 2010

Hey :)Yes, the ocean is definitely very cool, hope that we can go visit it sometime so that you can get to know it too.
It wasn't too dirty, I don't think. I know I should use the sunblock, but I just didn't think that I would get burned so bad. Oh well.

Thats Fun that you got to go out with Peter's mom, I bet you two talked a lot about how we are doing down here. That is pretty crazy that Taleah gets home in December! That will mean that I will have 5 months left, wow, that is pretty crazy huh?

President and sister King's daughter will be ending here mission here in November, and she'll be coming down here for a few weeks, so I am excited to talk to her about MN.

So I just found out that Elder Nielson and his family when they lived in Maple Grove while they were in MN. Pretty cool huh?

Yea, we have to take the bus or collectivos (like a taxi) all the time. We spend a lot of the money in that. But we always try and plan so we stay in one sector the whole day.

Ok well I'm gonna send some pics, I am sending the pics of my broken shoes so that you can send those in to Missionary Mall and get the new pair.

I have some good pics this week, love you all and am praying for you!
Love,Elder DeLong

October 18, 2010

Well we just got back from our zone activity at the beach! First time in my life that I have touched the water of the ocean (I even accidently fell down in it and got all wet). It was a lot of fun, we had a picnic and played some games. I'm a little burnt right now, but it was so worth it.

With the cell phones we have to be smart about them, as dl I am on the phone a lot communicating with the district. The sisters are funny, they talk a lot where as the elders its like 2 minutes and we are done.

We have stake conference the 7th of Nov. where half our zone is singing in the stake choir to help them out. Should be interesting ha.

It was a miracle that they were able to get the miners out so fast every one down here of course was pretty excited about it. I guess it was really big all around the world. Haha, yea..I somehow understand all of that spanish. Its took a long time though, but I love spanish now. The sisters do work really hard, much harder than some elders do, so it's great to have them. Elder Nielson loves to learn spanish, hes got a long way to go but he is progressing really well. He knows all the technical stuff, so thats good.

The teaching is going really well, we have such a big sector. I like it. Always something new to do. We have been able to find a lot of new people which has been good cuz we basically had to start over from scratch. But I know that as long as we are obedient and work hard that the Lord will put the people who are ready in our paths. And no, we haven't heard much about or anything like that. Or new pass along cards. They usually try those things out inthe states to seee if they work and then if it goes well they go world wide with it. Thats cool though that the internet has become such a great tool for sharing the gospel.
Ok, well I'm pretty tired actually, and my mind isn't giving me anymore things to say, so I think I'm going to wrap things up. Thanks for everything, hope you all have a great week!
Elder DeLong