Unfortunately I only have sad news about all the baptisms. They won't be happening for a little bit now. Juan has something that he doesn't want to change and Maria we haven't been able to have much contact with. But I will be staying here for another change with Elder Fuentes so at least we have a chance to help them enter those waters.
I'm happy about staying, I wasn't ready to leave yet. I have high hopes for this change. Elder Mckay went home today, I went to the office to see him off. He's so great, I love that guy. I'll miss him a lot.
Again, great to hear about Mark. Tell him that I say hi and tell him to go on a mission now :)
Sorry to hear that it's so hot. It's finally getting cold here, yay! Hows my beloved Jeep doing?
Do they have quotas to meet for teaching during a week?
We don't have like any set numbers that we have to do each week. But we always set goals for different things, like new people to teach, lessons taught with a memeber present and so on...So we always try to meet those goals and improve. Fun stuff :)
Ok well you are all always in my prayers. Keep strong, be happy and always remember to do LOMA Leer las escrituras(read the scriptures) Orar (pray) Meditar(meditate) and Asistir a la capilla (go to church) Do those fours things and you'll always be active and happy.
Love you all!
Elder DeLong